Learn more about Working in Science
Working in science used to be (primarily) the domain of highly educated, academics: scientists who had started their careers with a university degree and become “experts” in a relatively narrow area of study. Many people still think of scientists in this way.
The truth is however, science has now invaded almost every corner of our world; and many of the jobs that did not depend so heavily on science in the past; have now come to require a fairly high degree of science.
What Does it Take to be Successful in Science?
If you understand science you have opportunities, but today’s world is driven by the business of providing people with goods and services.
If you can see ways to apply science to provide better goods and services; your knowledge of science will have application, and “applying that science to people’s needs” is where you find prospects for employment, careers or business.
Do You Need high level Qualifications?
You do need the knowledge though and the foresight to apply that knowledge.
Some of the biggest success stories in science and technology are people who never completed university courses; but they are always people who understood their science and had the capacity to apply it to solve important problems.
What Jobs Need Science?
Biological Science 
A knowledge of biology is critical to work in health, livestock production, pet industries, crop production, horticulture and food industries.
Environmental Science
A knowledge of environmental science can lead to opportunities in environmental surveying and assessment, land management, water resources, conservation, park management, pollution control and much more.
Physical and Chemical Science
A knowledge of physical and chemical science underpins the construction industry, information technology, robotics, energy, transport, mechanics, pharmaceuticals, and much more
These different areas of science also overlap; for example: a knowledge of chemistry is valuable for environmental managers dealing with chemical pollutants, or food technologists dealing with food additives.
Learning More About Science May be the Best way to Enhance Your Career or Business Opportunities.
See our Science Courses – Talk to our Scientists
At ACS we have a team skilled in science that includes people from all corners of industry – from research scientists and consultants to practitioners, technicians and science writers. Talk to us and let us help you understand the opportunities to enhance your work opportunities with a better knowledge of science.