Wonderful Waterperry

Waterperry is an 83 acre property located 20 minutes from Oxford in England. It includes an inspirational picturesque 8 acre display garden. The property oozes history, including a 1000 year old Saxon church with original stained glass windows.

In the 1930’s, a famous English landscaper, Beatrix Havergal established her renowned gardening school on the property. The school has since gone, though its legacy remains, including reputably one of the finest herbaceous borders in Europe. Allow at least a couple of hours for a visit, though you’ll need more if you like discovering new and different plants. There is also a garden shop that sells everything from plants to garden furniture, as well as a fine collection of arts, crafts and books. In July, the garden hosts one of England’s biggest fine arts festivals, and it is also host to an apple festival each October.

There is a range of distinct garden areas that include: the Virgin’s Walk, a long shady border of Geraniums, Ferns and Hostas; Sebb’s Garden, an alpine garden that includes delicate mountain bulbs and perennials contained in beds bordered by low stone walls; the Mary Rose Garden, which consists of formal beds of scented Roses organized to display many modern varieties of Patio, Floribunda, Hybrid Teas and ground covers. The herbaceous border looks stunning from May till October, and the formal garden contains a traditional knot garden at its centre where you can sit beneath the shade of Wisteria, Clematis, and vine-covered arbors. This represents only a fraction of what is in store for you should you decide to take a tour of these delightful gardens.



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