Advanced Diploma in Horticultural Management

Course CodeVHT028
Fee CodeAD
Duration (approx)2500 hours
QualificationAdvanced Diploma


Learn to be a Horticultural Manager

To be a manager requires:

  • a good knowledge of your industry
  • knowledge of the techniques used to manage people, money and other resources
  • connections withing your industry (networking)
  • a positive attitude toward the work
  • awareness of your industry (staying up to date)
  • preparedness and drive to do whatever it takes to succeed

This course helps you move closer toward all of these requirements.

No course can ever guarantee your "perfect" job at the end - but this course is as good as it gets in preparing you to succeed.


Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the Advanced Diploma in Horticultural Management.
 Crops I (Outdoor Plant Production) BHT112
 Garden Maintenance VHT100
 Horticultural Research A BHT118
 Horticulture I BHT101
 Machinery and Equipment BSC105
 Plant Health (Horticulture III) BHT116
 Plant Identification and Knowledge (Horticulture II) BHT102
 Plant Selection And Establishment BHT107
 Workshop I BGN103
 Horticultural Resource Management BHT203
 Horticultural Marketing BHT304
 Operational Business Management I (Horticulture) BHT326
 Operational Business Management II (Horticulture) BHT327
Elective ModulesIn addition to the core modules, students study any 10 of the following 30 modules.
 Arboriculture I BHT106
 Cacti And Succulent Culture VHT108
 Herb Culture BHT114
 Managing Ecotourism BTR101
 Soil Management - Horticulture BHT105
 Turf Care BHT104
 Arboriculture II BHT208
 Commercial Vegetable Production BHT222
 Culinary Herbs VHT242
 Cut Flower Orchids VHT240
 Cut Flower Production BHT221
 Engineering Applications BSC205
 Garden Centre Management BHT255
 Green Walls and Roofs BHT256
 Growing Lavender BHT228
 Irrigation - Gardens BHT210
 Managing Events BRE209
 Permaculture Systems BHT201
 Project Management BBS201
 Protected Plant Production BHT223
 Sports Turf Management BHT202
 Weed Control BHT209
 Berry Production BHT309
 Biophilic Landscaping BHT343
 Cut Flower Bulbs BHT317
 Irrigation Management (Horticulture) BHT305
 Managing Notable Gardens BHT340
 Professional Practice for Consultants BBS301
 Turf Grasses BHT342
 Turf Repair And Renovation BHT303

Note that each module in the Advanced Diploma in Horticultural Management is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.


When choosing a course the most important things to consider are:

Choose a course of study that best suits you and your future aspirations.

Choose a course of study that will be broad enough for you to enable you to move across industry sectors should you want or need to.

Choose a course of study that can be tailored to your needs and ambitions.

Choose a course of study with a school that will encourage and support you and also give you practical along with theoretical skills.

ACS prides itself on all these things – our learning system ensures that students not only gather information but they absorb, retain and recall it (even years later). Problem Based Learning and Experiential Learning beats Competency based Training hands-down in producing quality graduates. Our courses are based on developing problem solving skills.


Will Studying Help me to be a Professional in Horticulture?

Yes - but it is only one thing needed (an important one though!)

Many people study just to get a qualification, they rush their studies and just manage to scrape through their exams. In the workplace these people are found wanting as they just have not taken the time to gather the theoretical and practical ability to be true professionals. Advancing in a career or becoming a professional horticulturist isn’t just about horticultural skills and knowledge though - the industry needs graduates with:

Sound demonstrable knowledge and skills across horticulture industry sectors but also pertinent to the job; A qualification is just one part of that, many people have qualifications but it is how you are able to apply and demonstrate your knowledge that will count most to your potential employer.

Good communication skills: verbal, written and IT skills are the very basis of a professional in any industry and horticulture is no exception. You need to be able to communicate effectively at all levels – with workers, your peers, your employers and importantly your clients.

Problem solving skills: this is so lacking in many graduates from competency based courses as their range of skills is limited to what is on the ‘list’ of competencies for that course, rather than expanded through the development of problem solving skills like ACS courses. In the work place, and as a professional, you will need to problem solve all the time – you need to be able to think on your feet, come up with quick solutions and make sure that those solutions are carried through and actually work.

Efficiency: Being efficient doesn’t necessarily mean doing things quickly – efficiency is more linked to being a good organiser, a good planner, performing tasks in the correct, logical order and applying skills with adeptness and expertise.

Professional attitude: be well presented and a team player, most employers are looking for people who can work with others effectively and work as a team. They prefer people with a demonstrable passion for the industry and those that network in within industry; volunteering to get experience, memberships to clubs, societies, associations; reading literature all help you gain a good profile and make you stand out from others applying for the same positions.


What Can You do to Improve Your Career Prospects?

When you study do it for the right reasons; open yourself up to learning, rushing through a course won’t give you a sound basis of knowledge and skills you need to succeed. When you study know that this is the first step – these days you need to continue learning throughout your entire career to advance.

Technology also changes rapidly so being open to learning also keeps you abreast of new industry developments. Read, attend conferences, check the news in your industry, read industry papers, network and so on.

Learn from a variety of sources: reading and learning from a variety of perspectives expands your knowledge, building a mix of skills that will make you stand out from the crowd.

Make sure your C.V. is well written and presented and set out to current preferences –get help if you need it (tutors at this school will help our students with their C.V.'s if you ask - no cost. Resume writing services can also be used, but they charge).

Recognise your weaknesses, and work on improving them - not just academically.