Course CodeAHT107Fee CodeS1Duration (approx)100 hoursQualificationStatement of Attainment Grow vegetables, fruit, flowers; or even indoor plants at home, hydroponically You don't need a lot of space, or even a piece of ground. This method of growing can allow anyone to have a productive garden even if you have no more than a balcony. Hydroponics can be carried out on raised tables or in containers hung on wall brackets; making it feasible for even disabled people. Explore the possibilities and learn the theory behind hydroponic culture, as well as receive first hand practical experience as you set up your own basic hydroponic system. Lesson Structure There are 10 lessons in this course: Introduction to Hydroponics and Plant Growth Scope and Nature of Hydroponics and terminology (Water Culture, Sand and Gravel Culture, Rockwool, Vermiculaponics, Hydroculture, etc) How it Works A Simple Manual System to Create History of Hydroponics Understanding How Plants Grow Understanding the Water Requirements and Management Photosynthesis Basic Chemistry, Nutrition & Nutrient Solutions Significance of understanding chemistry for hydroponics Understanding Basic Chemistry Atoms and Compounds The important Plant Nutrients Writing Chemical Names What concentrations of different nutrients does a plant need? Nutrient solutions Preparing Nutrient Solutions Mechanisms of Nutrient Uptake More on Nutrient Solutions Understanding differences between Soil Culture and Soil less Culture The nitrogen Cycle Mycorrhizae Summary of fertilizers used in Hydroponic Nutrients Calculating Chemical Formulae Hydroponic Nutrition Media and Types of Systems Classification of Hydroponic Systems What Makes up a System; system variables; Solution Dispensation, Closed or open, Drip, slop, capillary feed, wicks, misting, dry fertilizing etc, Automatic or Manual Operation, Type of Medium, Construction Materials, Rate & Frequency of Irrigation & Feeding, Air Injection (In water culture), Plant Support, Environment controls. Choosing a System Types of Media Rockwool Vermiculite Sand Leca, (Expanded Clay) The Bentley System Designing a System Nutrient Film Technique Alternative NFT Layouts Solution Dispensation Options (closed or open system, drip, slop, flood, capillary, dry, mist, etc) 16 Other System Options Problems in Hydroponics Pest and Disease Nutrition Environmental Diagnosis of Nutritional Problems Controlling Acidity Plant Culture Flow Charting a Crop Greenhouse Management Controllers (Salinity, pH) Adjusting Solutions using an Electro Conductivity Meter Solid Media vs Water Culture Indoor Plants Berries Gravel Culture compared with NFT Growing Vegetables in Hydroponics Fresh Cut Herbs in Hydroponics Lettuce Tomatoes Cucumber Review of all other common vegetables that are suited to hydroponics Growing Cut Flowers in Hydroponics Overview Roses Chrysanthemums Carnations Review of many other common flowers that are suited to hydroponics What is Hydroponics? A HYDROPONIC SYSTEM COMPRISES THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS: The Location This is a KEY FACTOR, because it influences everything else. If the system is indoors, then the environmental conditions are being controlled. The temperature may fluctuate less than normal. Wind may be reduced etc. If the system is outside it will be exposed to rain which may dilute nutrient solution etc. Pest and disease problems are reduced by keeping the system isolated from those problems in doors, raised off the ground or in isolated locations. Outdoor systems may be dug in by dogs, cats or other animals. The Container or Bed The roots (as well as the nutrient solution and medium) need to be contained by something. You may have gravel, sand or perlite contained by bags, pots or tubs. You may have rockwool fibre or scoria contained in a raised bed built from timber, metal or concrete. You may use polystyrene boxes, hanging baskets, prefabricated fibreglass tanks etc.....the list of possibilities is endless. Watering/Nutrient Application Equipment Nutrient can be applied dry on the surface and then watered in or mixed with water and applied as a nutrient solution. Solution may be applied automatically at predetermined times or as required. It may be applied at the bottom of the media and allowed to move up via capillary action, or alternatively at the top and allowed to filter down. It may be pumped on, or moved manually or by gravity. Excess may be collected and reused, or allowed to be lost after passing through the media. Root Media The media which the roots grow in affects your decisions about all of the above. You must consider rooting media with respect to it's ability to hold water, air, nutrients, support the plant etc. How Can This Course Benefit You? This course aims to develop a solid grounding in the principles of soilless cultivation of plants in a HOME hydroponics situation. HOW TO ENROL Click box below on left hand side -follow instructions. IF YOU NEED ADVICE - click here to use our FREE ADVISORY SERVICE