Course CodeBEN120Fee CodeS3Duration (approx)100 hoursQualificationStatement of Attainment Countryside Park Management Through Distance Learning or Online Learn horticultural and park management skills Learn about the natural environment, ecology, animals and plants Work in a zoo, wildlife park, national park or other type of nature park This course has been specifically designed for people working or wishing to work in nature parks and reserves, in managerial or technical positions. Lesson Structure There are 12 lessons in this course: Introduction to Nature Park Management role and scope of nature parks importance of indigenous vegetation in nature parks. Basic Ecology the environment plants and animals ecosystem concepts. Soil Management in Nature Parks soil characteristics and problems earthworks. Plant Maintenance basic gardening techniques natural gardening plant selection succession planting equipment. Design of Nature/Wilderness Parks I collecting site information preparing concept plans. Design of Nature/Wilderness Parks II drawing the final plan construction estimates designing animal enclosures. Weed Management characteristics of weeds weed control environmental weeds. Pest and Disease Management management strategies chemical safety. Culture of Indigenous Plants techniques for establishing vegetation planting design. Tree Management role of trees in nature parks tree maintenance plans pruning tree surgery. Turf Care turf varieties in nature parks lawn preparation establishment turf maintenance. Rehabilitation aims and strategies soil problems and solutions in degraded sites. Aims Explain the importance of the interrelationships between various components of a natural environment within an ecosystem. Develop management strategies for soils within a natural ecosystem. Develop management strategies for plant maintenance practices, in nature parks. Design a nature park, or a section within a nature park. Develop management strategies for the control of weed problems in a nature park. Develop management strategies for the rehabilitation of degraded sites in a nature park. What You Will Do Differentiate between different categories or types of nature parks. Determine different living components of a specific ecosystem, studied by you. Determine non-living components of a specific ecosystem, studied by you. Prepare a labelled diagram to illustrate the interrelationships between at least fifteen different components of an ecosystem. Explain the possible impact of removing two different specified organisms from a specified ecosystem. Explain the potential impact of adding non indigenous organisms, to a specified ecosystem. Explain how different soil characteristics can impact upon an ecosystem. Describe the physical characteristics of at least three different soils, which are of significant to the stability of their ecosystems. Assess aspects of soil dynamics on a site, including: Topography Soil life Susceptibility to degradation Sunlight (canopy penetration). Compare the likely implications of using three different types of fertilisers, including: Benefit to plants Method of use Environmental impact. Explain the use of different soil conditioners including: pH modifiers Ameliorants Organic matter. Determine the plant maintenance requirements of a specific nature park visited and assessed by you. Develop guidelines for the care of new plantations in a nature park visited by you. Compare the suitability of three different types of grass cutting equipment, for mowing a specific park. Compare the likely environmental impact of different types of pesticides used on a specific site. Determine the significance to plant populations, of containment of different outpus, on a specified site, including: water runoff chemical spray drift effluent pollutants. Prepare a plant collection of sixty plants. Determine categories of landscape developments which are carried out in different types of nature parks, including: Wildlife Reserves Zoos Sanctuaries National Parks Forest Reserves Vegetation corridors. Evaluate the designs of two different sections, of different nature parks, against given criteria. Collect pre-planning information for the development of a site, within a nature park. Prepare two concept plans for a nature park development, including: existing features clear labelling legend scale north indicator. Compare features of two nature park concept plans. Plan the construction of a landscape development within a nature park, including: materials lists (types and quantities of materials) plan of proposed landscape development list of manpower and equipment requirements a work schedule. Estimate the cost of construction in accordance with a specified landscape plan. Estimate the cost of maintaining a specified section of a park, for a three month period. Explain the impact of weeds on two natural environments in the your locality, using examples. Prepare a weed collection, of twenty different weeds. Describe two different weed problems, in two different nature parks. Explain five different weed seed dispersal mechanisms, for weed species collected. Compare alternative control methods for a specified weed problem. Select appropriate control methods for ten different specified weed problems. Develop guidelines for weed control, in a nature park inspected by you. Develop a management plan to reinstate indigenous flora on a specific site. Explain the causes of three specified types of site degradation. Describe different techniques for controlling site degradation. Describe different techniques for repairing site degradation. Describe degraded sites at different natural areas, you inspect. Prepare construction details for work to be undertaken in the rehabilitation of a degraded site you inspect. Develop a management plan for a degraded site, in a natural area you visit. Tips for Revegetation There are many degraded natural and man-made environments in both developed and under developed countries, in both rural and urban areas. As an environment degrades, the living plants and animals within them are faced with a depletion of resources - in effect, a different set of resources to live with. They must either adapt, or their populations change (or, in the extreme, disappear). Such changes in populations will in turn result in a further degradation and impact upon the stability of other aspects of the environment. In essence, everything is interlinked and inter dependent. If the influence of man is withdrawn from any environment, given time, nature will usually return to some sort of balance. The mix of species may vary from what existed originally, but the environment would stabilise. The question therefore arises whether it is preferable for man to attempt to create or fabricate an environment, or alternatively allow a degraded landscape to rehabilitate itself (i.e. largely let nature do the job). A Landscape Ecology Approach This is based on the belief that a natural landscape is too complex to be able to be drawn on a plan by a designer. It considers the natural landscape as "dynamic", continually changing. It may be considered that humans are part of that natural system; but their actions should be tempered and rationalised with respect to all other components. WHO BENEFITS FROM DOING THIS COURSE? If you are new to the Nature Park field, this course could be the launching pad for an exciting and rewarding career working with nature. It demonstrates to potential employers that you have a genuine commitment to land and wildlife care issues, and that you recognize that practical park management skills are best when backed up with a rich understanding. Already in the industry? This course could help boost your career to the next level, demonstrating your willingness to learn and develop your knowledge in your field, and giving you practical, informed skills that make you stand out from the crowd. New career opportunities are waiting! HOW TO ENROL Click box below on left hand side - follow instructions. IF YOU NEED ADVICE - click here to use our FREE ADVISORY SERVICE