Plant Protection

Course CodeBHT207
Fee CodeS2
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of £30. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.


  • Sanitation - maintaining good hygiene
  • Physical control methods e.g. mowing, slashing, burning, flooding, hand removal, physical barriers (ie. netting, fences), etc.
  • Using plant varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases
  • Biological controls
  • Chemical controls (artificial and naturally derived).
  • Soil drenches/dips

This course takes a "wholistic approach, giving appropriate consideration to all of these "methods", without bias toward any particular method

Lesson Structure

There are 10 lessons in this course:

  1. Introduction - scientific names, terms, diagnosing problems.
  2. Control Techniques - natural & chemical.
  3. Chemicals - characteristics.
  4. Identifying Diseases - symptoms, fungi and viruses, and other pathogens.
  5. Disease Control - life cycle of fungi.
  6. Insect Classification and biology.
  7. Insect Control - how to control pests.
  8. Other Pests - nematodes, snails, millipedes.
  9. Weed Identification and chemical control.
  10. Non-chemical Weed Control


  • Identify the broad category which a plant health problem belongs to.
  • Explain a range of methods for controlling plant problems.
  • Select appropriate chemical pesticides for different problems.
  • Identify the symptoms of different plant diseases, including most common and some uncommon problems, in your locality.
  • Develop procedures to control specific plant diseases.
  • Identify different insects, including significant taxonomic orders, common pest species, and some less common pest species
  • Determine appropriate methods to control different types of insects.
  • Identify different non-insect pests found in the learner's locality.
  • Determine appropriate control methods for different non-insect pests.
  • Identify different non-insect pests found in the learner's locality.
  • Determine appropriate control methods for different non-insect pests.
  • Manage the control of different types of weed problems.

How to Control Garden Pest and Disease

To control pest and diseases naturally there are four methods to consider:

1. Cultural Controls

  • the methods you use to grow plants

2. Physical Controls

  • methods which physically interfere with pests or diseases

3. Sprays or Dusts

  • natural products which control pests or diseases without having any undesirable side effects

4. Biological Controls

  • where other organisms control the pest or disease buy such means as
  • directly attacking the problem
  • by repelling it
  • or by attracting or luring pests to a place where they can be easily trapped or collected, and then easily destroyed or removed elsewhere
  • Improve your skills as a horticulture professional
  • Give you confidence as a  professional gardener
  • Work as a pest and disease control contractor
  • Improve your garden and gardening skills
  • Help designers in better plant selection
  • Help nursery professionals improve the quality of the plants they produce



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