Advanced Certificate in Turf Care

Course CodeVHT087
Fee CodeAC
Duration (approx)900 hours
QualificationAdvanced Certificate

Learn to Develop and Manage Quality Turf

This course provides a very sound foundation for a career in the turf industry. Increase your knowledge and skills in turf management, turf repair, horticulture, irrigation, weed management, plant protection and much more.

Learn from experienced horticulturalists. Grow your awareness of industry and opportunities; and develop your networking skills.


Core ModulesThese modules provide foundation knowledge for the Advanced Certificate in Turf Care.
 Machinery and Equipment BSC105
 Turf Care BHT104
 Irrigation - Gardens BHT210
 Sports Turf Management BHT202
 Weed Control BHT209
 Turf Grasses BHT342
 Turf Repair And Renovation BHT303
Stream ModulesStudied after the core modules, stream modules cover more specific or niche subjects.
 Industry Project I BIP000
Elective ModulesIn addition to the core modules, students study any 1 of the following 9 modules.
 Horticultural Research A BHT118
 Landscape Construction BHT111
 Landscaping I BHT109
 Soil Management - Horticulture BHT105
 Amenity Horticulture I BHT234
 Engineering Applications BSC205
 Horticultural Resource Management BHT203
 Irrigation Management (Horticulture) BHT305
 Soil and Water Chemistry BSC307

Note that each module in the Advanced Certificate in Turf Care is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.


To most people, caring for a lawn appears a fairly straight forward thing. You mow it when it gets long, and water it when it is dry, and beyond that, there isn't that much more to do.

In reality though, turf is made up of many living plants, growing in a soil that is inhabited by other living thins. Soil bacteria may be important, helping the grasses to process nutrients, but soil can also contain pests and diseases. A home lawn that gets very little use may retain an even surface, provided it has been constructed properly in the first instance. A sporting field though can be subjected to lots of wear and tear from people running over it and tractors driving across it.

To create and maintain a permanent, quality turf, requires constant attention. When the surface becomes uneven, it must be made more even. When it becomes soft, it must be made harder, and when it becomes too hard, it might need to be made softer. If patches become dead or diseased, they must be resurrected.\

This course teaches you about a wide range of techniques, tools and equipment, that can be used to create and maintain the type of turf surface that is required, wherever and whenever the situation calls for action 


What do Turf Experts do?

Graduates may work in enterprises such as:

  • Golf Courses, Bowling Clubs, Horse Racing Tracks
  • Sporting Complexes and Playing Fields: Football Grounds, Cricket Grounds, Athletics, etc
  • Schools, Colleges, Universities
  • Turf Suppliers: seed companies, machinery suppliers, instant turf or sod suppliers
  • Small Businesses - mowing contractors, pest control contractors, turf renovators, landscapers, nurseries
  • Government Parks Departments
  • Turf Research
  • Turf Education and Media ... and more 

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