Course CodeAHT109Fee CodeS2Duration (approx)100 hoursQualificationStatement of Attainment The Beauty of Tropical Plants Some people would think a tropical plant is a plant that comes from the tropics. Others might consider tropical plants to also include plants from sub-tropical places. Gardeners in some parts of the world would also consider any plant that has a tropical appearance, to be a tropical plant. This course is concentrating on plants which originate from tropical or sub-tropical climates but there may be some plants covered which fit a looser definition of ‘tropical’. NOTE - This course is based on our 'Tropical Plants' course - adapted to be more suitable for entry level students. Lesson Structure There are 10 lessons in this course: Introducing Tropical Plants What does the term "Tropical Plant" mean What tropical plants can you grow Plant naming - levels of division, genus, species, hybrid, variety, cultivar Monocotyledon versus dicotyledon Plan families Growing tropicals - climatic zones Tropical and Sub tropical Temperate Arid Climatic variations - seasonal or constant, mountain, savannahs, rainforest, coastal What causes an area to be warm Good an bad news about tropical gardens Common hot garden area Heat traps Warming the garden Greenhouse growing Plant Cultural Practices Common garden problems Understanding soils - texture, pH, nutrient availability, improving soil, fertility Water and plant growth Water deficiency and excess Water loss from soil Improving water retention Planting Plant establishment methods Trickle irrigation Light requirements Mulches Tree guards Common problems Plant nutrition - nutrient elements, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc. Deficiencies and toxicities Propagation Cuttings & Seeds - techniques, propagating mixes, equipment Potting mixes How to pot up a plant Taking care of young plants Pruning Tropical Annuals, Perennials, Bulbous Plants, Bamboos and Lawns Some Bamboos and Grass like plants Arundinaria, Bambusa, Pennisetum, Phyllostachys, Saccharum, Cortaderia Carex, Dianella, Imperata, Liriope, Ophiopogon Bamboos and selected bamboo species Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennials Achimenes,Agapanthus, Clivia, Crinum, Crocosmia, Cyrtanthus, Dichorisandra, Dierama Amorphophallus, Aristea, Babiana, Boophone, Brunsvigia, Calostemma,Eucharis, Eucomis, Gladiolus, Gloriosa, Haemanthus, Hippeastrum, Hymenocallis, Hypoxis,Iris, Kniphofia, Lilium, Lycaris, Moraea, Ornithogalum, Sparaxis Phaedranassa, Sprekelia, Tacca, Zephyranthes, Alstroemeria, Amaryllis Alocasia, Caladium, Calathea, Colocasia, Heliconia, Maranta Ornamental Gingers and Heliconias (and Related Plants Including Alpinia, Hedychium, Zingiber, Musa and Costus) Zingiberales Musaceae - bananas Strelitziaceae - bird of paradise Lowiaceae Heliconiaceae -heliconias Zingiberaceae - gingers Costaceae - costus Cannaceae - cannas Marantaceae - prayer plants Ginger genera Heliconias Parrots beak heliconia Heliconia species Cannas Costis Strelitzias Palms and Palm Like Plants Self cleaning or not Solitary versus clumping Pinnate or fan leaves Palm propagation Review of significant palm genera Cycads Yucca Cordylines Shrubs, Trees and Climbers Abelia, Abutilon, Acalypha, Adenium, Aphelandra, Ardisia, Barleria, Breynia, Browallia, Brunfelsia, Bouvardia, Calliandra, Callistemon, Camellia, and many others Albizzia, Allocasuarina, Bauhinia, Bixa, Brachychiton, Caesalpinia, Callicarpa, Cannanga and many others Conifers - covering 9 genera Climbers - covering over 30 genera Orchids, Ferns and Bromeliads Guidelines for orchid culture Temperature Light Ventilation Watering Feeding Potting media Epiphytes Cattleya Epidendrum - crucifix orchid Cymbidium Dendrobium Odontoglossum Oncidium Paphiopedilum -slipper orchid Phalaenopsis Pleione Vanda Orchid pests, diseases, viruses Bromeliads - culture Ferns - culture, genera, ferns as indoor plants Tree ferns Rock ferns Terrestrial Filmy ferns Other ferns Epiphytic ferns Fern families Sun tolerant ferns Dry soil ferns Aroids Tropical Herbs, Vegetables and Fruit Growing methods Organic No Dig, Sheet mulching, raised bed Hydroponics Permaculture Container growing Greenhouse growing Plant needs - light, temperature Choosing a good site Selected vegetables for warm conditions Cucumber, melon, watermelon, zucchini, sweet potato, Taro, Yam, Tropical herbs Galangal Ginger, Lemon grass Coffee Vietnamese mint Tea Tropical Fruit Trees Avocado Banana Carambola Custard Apple Guava Fig Paw Paw Pepino Macadamia Mango Pineapple Passionfruit Peanut Pecan Rosella Other fruits Growing Tropical Plants Outside of the Tropics Comparing indoor and outdoor growing Indoor plants that adapt to varied light and temperature Review of important indoor plant families Problems with indoor plants Potting mixes for indoor plants Landscaping with Tropical Plants Landscape principles - unity, balance, proportion, harmony, contrast, rhythm Qualities of landscape components - line, form, mass, space, texture, colour, tone Creating landscape effects Garden styles - formal, informal, natural Pre planning information What do you want from a garden Cooling effects Design procedure Producing drawings to scale Aims Explain the nature and scope of tropical plants. Discuss cultural characteristics that are often peculiar to tropical plants. Describe the taxonomy and culture of a range of soft wooded tropical plants including annuals, perennials and bulbs. Describe the taxonomy and culture of Heliconia and gingers. Describe the taxonomy and culture of palms and palm-like tropical plants. Describe the taxonomy and culture of climber, tree and shrub tropical plants. Describe the taxonomy and culture of orchids, ferns and bromeliads. Describe the taxonomy and culture of herbs, vegetables and fruits in tropical conditions. Determine ways to grow tropical plants outside of the tropics. Explain the use of tropical plants in landscaping. Growing Tropical Plants: Climatic Zones Tropical climates are found in South-East Asia, much of India, northern Australia, Central America, the Caribbean, Northern parts of South America, many of the Pacific islands and perhaps the central half of the African continent. Tropical areas in general have the highest average temperature levels, the longest frost-free growing seasons, and the greatest amount of light (intensity and duration), compared to other regions on the planet. Tropical gardens can vary from dry and desert-like, to coastal, to dense, lush and leafy environs resembling the dynamic workings of a rainforest. Many different garden effects are possible using tropical plants. You can also, on a small scale, transform a garden into a microclimate using tropical plants that are not normally found in your locality. Who Can Benefit From This Course? Hobbyists Nurserypersons The backyard enthusiast Those wanting to set up a tropical garden Greenhouse growers Horticulture volunteers HOW TO ENROL Click box below on left hand side -follow instructions. IF YOU NEED ADVICE - click here to use our FREE ADVISORY SERVICE