Hydroponic Management - Hydroponics II

Course CodeBHT213
Fee CodeS2
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of £30. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Build on existing knowledge or experience in hydroponics.

This course is for someone interested in or already involved with commercial growing, who has prior knowledge or experience.

  • Learn to better understand how to control plant growth
  • With that knowledge, exercise better control
  • Ultimately have the potential to produce better quality and quantity in your crops


Lesson Structure

There are 11 lessons in this course:

  1. How the Crop Plant Grows
    • Understanding how a plant grows in hydroponics
    • Plant growth factors
    • Roots, Stems. Leaves, Reproductive Parts
    • Manipulating and controlling growth
    • Light Levels, Air Temperature, Root Zone Temperature, Relative Humidity, Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen, etc
    • Heating and Ventilation Systems
    • Thermal Screens
    • Blackout, Shading and Lighting Equipment
    • Day Length Manipulation
    • Irrigation and Nutrition Control
    • Links to Weather Station
    • Controlling Plant Growth: Stopping, Spacing, Disbudding, Trimming, Training
    • Growth Control: Chemical and Cultural
    • Pest and Disease Disorder Control
    • Intercropping
    • Plant troubleshooting
    • Resources
    • Fruit set management
    • Pollination issues
    • Flower initiation
    • Flower and fruit development
  2. How to Run a Small Evaluation Trial
    • What is a Hydroponic Trial
    • Running a Crop trial
    • Setting up a Comparison Trial
    • Records and Recording
    • Evaluating the Trial
    • Research Methodology
    • Experimentation
    • Steps for Collecting Data
  3. Harvest and Post Harvest
    • Importance of Harvest and Post Harvest Management
    • Understanding Harvested Crop Physiology
    • Ripening of Fruit
    • Respiration
    • How and When to Harvest
    • Preparing Salad Mixes from Harvested Hydroponic Produce
    • Prevention of Bruising and Post Harvest Rots
    • Packaging
    • CA and MA Storage
    • Chilling Damage and Storage Te3mperatures
    • Harvesting and Grading Vegetables
    • Grading Standards
    • Fruit Grading Systems
    • Mechanised Grading
    • Grading Equipment
    • Harvesting Cut Flowers; stage, shelf life.
    • Post Harvest Treatments for Flowers
    • Grading Standards for Flowers
    • Conditioning and Packaging Flowers
    • Marketing: wholesale, supermarket, export, contract, local retailers, etc.
  4. Tomatoes
    • Growing Hydroponic Tomatoes
    • Growing conditions
    • Nutrition
    • Suitable Systems
    • Culture
    • Problem Management
  5. Capsicum
    • Growing Capsicums; Bell Peppers in Hydroponics
    • Growing conditions
    • Nutrition
    • Suitable Systems
    • Culture
    • Problem Management
  6. Lettuce, Salad Greens and Foliage Herb Crops
    • Lettuce
    • Celery
    • Chicory
    • Endive
    • Parsley
    • Spinach
    • Basil
    • Marjoram
    • Mint
    • Sage
    • Thyme
  7. Cucurbits (Cucumber and Melons)
    • Growing Hydroponic Cucumbers
    • Growing conditions
    • Nutrition
    • Suitable Systems
    • Culture
    • Problem Management
    • Other Cucurbits in Hydroponics; Marrow, Zucchini, Melon, Watermelon, Pumpkin
  8. Strawberries
    • Growing Strawberries in Hydroponics
    • Growing conditions
    • Nutrition
    • Suitable Systems
    • Culture
    • Problem Management
  9. Roses
    • Growing Roses in Hydroponics
    • Growing conditions
    • Nutrition
    • Suitable Systems
    • Culture
    • Problem Management
  10. Carnations
    • Growing Carnations in Hydroponics
    • Growing conditions
    • Nutrition
    • Suitable Systems
    • Culture
    • Problem Management
  11. Orchids
    • Growing Orchids in Hydroponics
    • Growing conditions
    • Nutrition
    • Suitable Systems
    • Culture
    • Problem Management
    • Harvest and Post Harvest for different Orchid Genera


Hydroponics offers more than anything else, possibilities for plant culture that did not exist before. Hydroponics can make better use of limited water resources, and can reduce or eliminate the need for chemical pest control in a commercial situation. Hydroponic produce can in fact be less tainted by chemical residues than produce from a traditional farm.

Hydroponics may offer the possibility of "perfect growing"; but in reality; things can still go wrong no matter what you do in horticulture. The fact always remains that you are dealing with living things and living things are never 100% predictable.
For Example:

What can Happen When the Nutrition Goes Wrong?

The nutrient solution in hydroponic systems provides an ideal environment for a number of other forms of life to grow and multiply. Plant life such as algae is common, and microbial populations exist in most healthy nutrient solutions unless some form of sterilisation is used. Nematodes, insects such as mosquito larvae and others, can proliferate in some nutrients and may cause plant growth problems. Nutrient solutions provide the ideal breeding ground for many plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria since they contain mineral elements, usually some organic matter, moisture and are often warmed to just the right temperature for optimum microbial growth. Bacteria, fungi and algae are also very commonly carried in water supplies, on media, seedlings and old root systems, on equipment, transported by humans, animals, wind and in dust, making complete avoidance difficult. Despite this, most well run hydroponic systems don’t often have problems with odour, bacterial growth or insects, but when they do establish, control needs to be swift as certain nutrient problems will rapidly cause root death and plant decline.


  • Hydroponic farmers and staff
  • Horticulture entrepreneurs
  • Horticultural researchers
  • Passionate  hydroponic amateurs
  • CPD for anyone working in crop production

This course was developed to cover key issues which have been identified as recurrent problems for many experienced growers. It is suitable for anyone who has either completed hydroponics I, or alternatively, has significant prior experience.

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