Plant Conservation

Course CodeBHT346
Fee CodeS3
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of £30. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Plant are under treat in this rapidly changing climate. Global diversity distribution is the key threat factors

This course is not about scientific theory – it is of full of practical strategies and approaches to the protection, restoration and conservation actions which can be undertaken.

It teaches you how to:

  • Recognise the importance of plant conservation and the strategies employed to achieve it
  • Raise awareness for ecosystem restoration 
  • Be familiar with the most important challenges and concepts in plant conservation
  • Identify the tools available to assess the status of threatened plant species.

Lesson Structure

There are 9 lessons in this course:

  1. Scope and Nature of Plant Conservation
    • Introduction
    • Eight Principles for Conservation Success
    • Raising Awareness
  2. Policy, Legislation, and Organisations
    • International Conventions and Legislation
    • National Conventions and Legislation
    • Conservation Organisations
  3. Protection and Preventing Degradation
    • Protected Areas
    • Planning For Protected Areas
    • How The Red List Is Used
    • Land Sparing and Sharing
    • Weeds
    • Soil Degradation
    • Pollinator Management
  4. Restoration of Damaged Ecosystems
    • Restoring Ecosystems
    • Restoration Projects
    • Principles Of Ecological Restoration
    • Stages Of Ecological Restoration
  5. Restoring Populations
    • Establishing A New Self-Propagating Population
    • Long-Term Storage of Germplasm
    • A Successful Case-Study – The International Conifer Conservation Programme
    • The Pivotal Role of Horticulture in Plant Conservation
  6. Genetic Conservation
    • Assessment Of Genetic Diversity in Plants
    • Need For Germ Plasm Conservation
    • Germplasm Storage and Conservation
    • Recording And Recalling Evolutionary History
  7. Ecosystem Conservation
    • Ecosystem Conservation – Pollinators, Soils, Environments
    • Forest Conservation
    • Soil Conservation
    • Pollinators
    • Drone Conservation
  8. Community Action
    • Citizen Science and Collaboration
    • Community-Led Conservation
    • First Nations Involvement
    • Raising Awareness
  9. Adjusting to Environmental Change – The Future of Conservation
    • Conservation And Climate Changes
    • Plant Responses to Climate Changes
    • Novel Threats To Plants as A Result of Climate Changes
    • Natural Capital
    • Nature-Based Solutions
    • Ex-Situ Conservation of Plants
    • Conservation Of Plants of Plants in The Anthropocene


  • Discuss the nature and scope of plant conservation.
  • Determine problems and challenges associated with plant conservation in different specific situations.
  • Formulate protection measures for plant conservation, appropriate to the circumstances in different situations.
  • Determine restoration measures to be undertaken for achieving plant conservation.
  • Explain a variety of ex situ conservation measures for threatened plant populations.
  • Explain the application of genetics to plant conservation.
  • Explain ecosystem conservation methods used for plant conservation.
  • Explain a variety of community action initiatives that may be used for plant conservation.
  • Explain ways to respond to environmental change in order to better conserve plant species and populations.
  • Formulate plans to manage appropriate conservation initiatives for threatened plants.

Who Should Study Plant Conservation?
This is subject that needs to be understood by many professions; not only plant conservationists.

People with potential to influence plant conservation include:

  • Land owners and land managers
  • Politicians
  • Lawyers
  • Academics professional scientists, biologists
  • Teachers
  • Citizens/volunteers.

This course complements:

  • Conservation and Environmental management
  • Farm management
  • Landcare reafforestation
  • Bush Tucker Plants
  • Australian Natives
  • Horticultural Research I
  • Arboriculture
  • Ecotourism
  • Nature Park Management
  • Landscaping
  • Botany
  • Climate Science .. .and more


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