Acer campestre


Field Maple

Deciduous tree to approx 5m. Palmate leaves turn yellow in autumn. Insignificant flowers. Fruit two-winged samaras. Furrowed, corky bark.


Ornamental tree and hedge plant in agricultural areas.


Prefers cool, moist, conditions in full sun. Foliage colour best when grown in neutral to acidic, well-drained, fertile soil. Can be pruned.


Propagate from seed for the species but results can be variable in form. Cultivars are grafted.


Several cultivars available including:

'Elsrijke': tree with a narrow crown 7m tall by 6m spread - a hardy variety.

'Evelyn': More vigorous than the species; 7m by 6m with a flattening crown at maturity.



Plant Health

Usually pest and disease free but Aphids and Horse Chestnut Scale can sometimes present problems.

More info

Video: ‘Identifying Trees and Shrubs’ produced by Australian Correspondence Schools is available through Landscape Design and Home Garden Expert courses are available through Australian Correspondence Schools, see

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