Laburnum x watereri


Voss Laburnum

Hybrid between L. anagyroides and L. alpinum. Deciduous tree to 8m. Leaves are compound and dark green. Flowers are yellow racemes 45-60cm. Fruit are brown pods.


Suitable as speciment tree or trained into a garden arch to emphasise the pendant flowers.


Prefers full sun, cool climates, humid conditions and fertile, well-drained soils. Sensitive to waterlogged soil. Can be pruned to create a more tree-like form or to create a garden arch. Young plants are vulnerable to snails. Propagate by budding in summer. All parts of the plant are poisonous and should only be handled with protective gloves.


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More info

Video: ‘Identifying Trees and Shrubs’ produced by Australian Correspondence Schools is available through Plant Identification, Landscape Design and Home Garden Expert courses are available through Australian Correspondence Schools, see

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