Liquidambar styraciflua


Sweet Gum

Deciduous tree, usually with conical habit, approx 25m high by 10m wide. Leaves are dark green and palmate. Spectacular autumn foliage varies from yellow to scarlet red, depending on the individual specimen. Young bark and branches sometimes exhibit ridges of corky bark. Flowers are yellow-green globular heads. Fruit are prickly woody capsules.


Ornamental specimen tree suitable for parks and larger gardens. Timber is used for furniture.


Adaptable to most soils and conditions, it prefers full sun and cool to mild temperatures. Its autumn foliage is most spectacular when grown in soil that is kept moist. It is tolerant of frost and once established, tolerant of drought. Avoid disturbing roots as this is likely to promote suckers. Propagate by seed.


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Video: ‘Identifying Trees and Shrubs’ produced by Australian Correspondence Schools is available through Plant Identification, Landscape Design and Home Garden Expert courses are available through Australian Correspondence Schools, see

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