Eucalyptus camaldulensis


River Red Gum

Medium tree to 20m tall but sometimes growing a lot taller (to 50m), long branchless trunk (to 20m) bark is smooth shedding in strips or flakes; white or grey but variable (e.g. yellow/green, or grey green or pinkish green. Leaves are lanceolate or narrow lanceolate but sometimes sickle-shaped. Creamy/white flowers appear from early through to late summer.


Construction, firewood, fencing, flooring, furniture, shelter belts. 


Well drained fertile soils ranging from sandy loams through to light clays in full sun; it is drought and salt tolerant. 


Readily from seed (overwatering will cause damping off disease).


Subspecies include:

E. c. subsp. acuta
E. c. subsp.arida
E.c. subsp. camaldulensis
E. c. subsp. minima
E. c. subsp. obtusa
E. c. subsp. refulgens
E. c. subsp. simulata
E. c. subsp. subcineria

Plant Health

Relatively healthy but may be susceptible to leaf fungi and sometimes stem canker and borer plus termites and beetles. 

More info

Origin:  Naturally distributed throughout Australia from the N.T. through to Victoria.