


Most varieties are between 1 and 4m tall, evergreen or deciduous flowering shrubs. Flowers are shades of white to red and are sometimes fragrant.


Several of which make excellent ornamentals. 
They are used as hedging plants in milder temperate areas; tub plants; rockeries; fillers in shrubberies; are good for seaside planting; and for screening and hedges. They are sometimes trained as pillars or espaliers. 


In harsher frost or snow prone areas, plant in a protected position (eg against a wall).
Plants grow in most average soils; but does prefer moist, drained organic soil.
Full sun or light shade.

Prune as required to shape, particularly removing straggly shoots or thinning older woody growth in spring.


Propagate by semi hardwood cuttings, layering, or from some species, by removing suckers.


Most cultivated plants however are hybrids. There are many hybrids cultivated; often because hybrids can be more reliable than the species.

E. ‘Alice’ (Hybrid)   -to 1.5m tall, large leaves, lots of rose-red flowers.

E. ‘Apple Blossom’  -to 1.5m tall, pale pinkish white flowers, glossy deep green leaved.

E. ‘F.C. Ball’   -to 1m tall, crimson flowers, compact habit.

E. ‘Slieve Donard’ – Open rangy plant to 1.5m with pink flowers.

E. macrantha (Common Escalonia)  -1.8 to 2.5m tall (but can be kept smaller), crimson-red flowers; one of the hardiest and most widely cultivated species.

E. montevidensis  -to 3.5m tall, sweetly scented white to pinkish flowers in large clusters; can be trimmed small in a smaller garden.

Plant Health

Relatively pest resistant.

More info

Approximately 39 species.