Evergreen, narrowly conical, monoecious conifer tree, growing between 20-50m, some cultivars are much shorter (even dwarf types growing as shrubs rather than trees). Height and shape depends upon the variety and growing conditions.
Bark is thick, brown, fibrous and ridged. Leaves are typically blue-green to deep green (but vary with different cultivars), arranged vertically. Leaves also feature glaucous undersides and a transluscent 'window' near the leaf tip. Female cones are small, globular and bluish. There are dozens of named cultivars, including dwarf varieties and varieties featuring golden, lime green and blue-grey foliage.
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Book: ‘Growing Conifers’ by John Mason is available through http://www.acsgarden.com/shop/ Courses on Conifers and Landscape Design are available through Australian Correspondence Schools, see http://www.acs.edu.au/hort
Ebook - Classification, care, propagation, containers, pruning, hedges, topiary landscaping, commercial uses, conifer directory.