Citrus sinensis


Sweet Orange, Orange

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Sweet oranges are very popular crop plants in warmer areas, but may be more difficult where frost may cause the fruit to become dry. Sweet oranges require temperatures between 13 to 40 degrees Celsius to grow, and average temperatures in summer which are above 16 degrees Celsius. They can tolerate low temperatures if they are not growing, but if there is any fresh growth at all, they are very susceptible to cold or frost. Though trees may grow in cold climates, the fruit is likely to be dry and less tasty. 

Fertilise two to three times each year with nitrogen phosphorus, and to a lesser extent, potash. Keep the roots moist at all times but never waterlogged.


Normally grafting onto seedlings of other citrus species (eg. Citrus trifoliata)


Many different cultivars. Fruit can mature any time from mid winter to late summer depending on the locality and the variety. 

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