Syzygium cultivars


Lilly Pilly

Evergreen trees and shrubs, four or five petals, red to bluish fruit, leaves entire (not divided), arranged opposite along stems.


Hedge, shrubbery, topiary, screening plant, shade tree, some produce edible fruits which can be used in jams and jellies.


Most free-draining soils, prefers fertile soil, in full sun to part shade. Most are more suited to subtropical to tropical areas; others are suited to temperate regions but may require a sheltered site in a milder area. Pruning is not required but can be done to shape trees, topiaries and hedges.


Seed or cuttings work equally well.


Many different species and named cultivars are grown, including:

S. australe (syn. Eugenia australis): To 8m tall, white flowers, dark red fruits.
S. luehmannii:  5 30m tall, white flowers, red berries, weeping foliage.
S. moorei: 10 20m tall, pink flowers, white fruits, very attractive tree.
S. ‘Pink Cascade’: To 5m, a compact shrub good for hedging, bright pink-red young foliage, edible fruits.

Plant Health

Half-hardy to frost-tender; many cultivars are frost-sensitive; many tolerate heat and humidity well. Some more prone to insect infestation than others (choose insect resistant cultivars). Occasionally suffers from infestation by scale insects. Psyllid insects can cause bumps on leaves; some cultivars more susceptible then others.

More info

Mostly from tropical areas; up to 500 species.

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