Attractive in containers being bushier than some palms because they develop several trunks.
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C. cumingii to 8m tall, denser foliage than other Caryota species.
C. mitis to 12m tall, think trunk, slowly dies after seeding.
C. no (syn. C. albertii) to 25m tall, narrow trunk.
C. ochlandra, the most cold tolerant of all Caryotas, a good landscaping palm for Sydney.
Native to Malaysia, Asia and northern most Australia.
Design gardens in a tropical style; for both tropical and temperate climates.
Ebook - Identification and culture of palms and palm like plants
Course - Learn where and how to grow tropical plants Create a Tropical Garden; Grow them as indoor plants; identify, propagate care for and breed.
20 hour Self Paced Short Course