Garden specimens and street trees.
Tub plant in a sunny spot. Best in deep pots because it has a deep root system.
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Occur naturally in arid climates; generally tolerate both hot and cold climates and grow better than many palms in temperate areas.
Likes full sun and a well drained soil.
Only two species:
W. filifera (American Cotton Palm). Thick grey trunk to 15m, fronds 1.5m diameter; retains old leaves to give a “petticoat” effect. Tolerates drought, heat and frost.
W. robusta (Cotton Palm). Brown trunk to 35m, fronds to 2.5m diameter; fan leaves with thorns. Popular palm but not considered as hardy as W. filifera.
From Mexico and southern USA.
Design gardens in a tropical style; for both tropical and temperate climates.
Ebook - Identification and culture of palms and palm like plants
Course - Learn where and how to grow tropical plants Create a Tropical Garden; Grow them as indoor plants; identify, propagate care for and breed.
20 hour Self Paced Short Course